
Many people find that the changing temperature in the autumn and winter months impacts their joints, and lots of research is being done into the weather-pain connection and the correlations between seasonal fluctuations and severe pain symptoms. So, if you sometimes think that you can predict when a storm is coming because your pain gets worse, there may actually be some scientific evidence to back this up.

The colder autumn and winter months can cause havoc for people who experience aches and pains in their joints, whether they have rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis or there is another reason for their pain. Some people are more sensitive to weather than others, but if you suffer more when it’s cold outside, it’s worthwhile booking an appointment at a chiropractic clinic. Chiropractic care can be really beneficial for pain and below we have explored how a chiropractor can assist you throughout the colder months in more detail.

Reduce pain

The majority of people turn to a local chiropractor because they are experiencing pain and the first aim of chiropractic treatment is to help to relieve pain. A chiropractor will focus on any immediate problems you’re experiencing during the colder months with the aim of reducing musculoskeletal pain in the quickest amount of time. In addition to chiropractic treatment, it may be advised that you have massages and do some gentle stretches at home to help with your pain such as knee pain and neck pain too.

Loosen stiff joints

It isn’t uncommon for people to suffer from stiff joints during the colder months, especially in the knees, hips and ankles. Regularly seeing a chiropractor can help to improve your range of motion and alleviate day-to-day discomfort. Using a range of techniques during chiropractic treatment, a specialist can relieve pressure, pain and stiffness, and generally improve the function of your joints this winter. Building flexibility can have a big impact on your day-to-day life and help to treat soft tissue injuries and also prevent injuries in the future by maintaining joint mobility and stability.

Make it easier to exercise

When they’re experiencing pain, lots of people will struggle to exercise, but staying active can be advantageous for your muscles and joints. Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and non-medication way to help you restore optimal function in your joints and, in turn, make exercising less painful. Sometimes, the pain such as knee pain you’re experiencing can impact the way you’re moving and sitting, which can result in secondary pain too. A local chiropractor will be able to treat any other aches and pains you’re experiencing with chiropractic care, and help to improve movement and strength throughout your whole body long-term.

Realign your spine

Chiropractic care and spinal manipulation can help to manipulate joints and realign your spine. Correcting your body’s alignment can be very beneficial and not only will a chiropractic adjustment help to normalise joint motion, but they can optimise other body functions and overall performance. When your musculoskeletal system and nervous system are aligned properly, your joints will be relieved from unnecessary strain and pressure, and they will be less painful.

Provide useful advice

A local chiropractor is there to help you achieve your individual health and wellbeing goals. In addition to chiropractic treatment, they can provide you with some advice and guidance, enabling you to stay pain-free this winter. Regularly visiting a chiropractic clinic can help you to be the healthiest and happiest version of yourself and live comfortably, regardless of the cause of your pain such as knee pain. Having periodic adjustments and massages really can help to prevent relapse and enable your body to function at its optimum.

Speaking to a local chiropractor about joint pain

When you suffer from pain, a chiropractor can help you to live pain-free and if your pain has become worse now that it’s getting colder outside, don’t hesitate to contact our team at ChiroCulture. We pride ourselves on providing expert and professional treatment in a relaxing and friendly environment, and we can assure you that you will be well looked after every time you set foot through our doors.

We believe that pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong and if you’re experiencing pain this winter, we can help your body to properly heal. Not only do we reduce and alleviate pain, but at ChiroCulture we are passionate about educating, rehabilitating and providing tools that will help our patients reach their long-term goals. Feel free to explore our website today to learn more about chiropractic care such as spinal manipulation and joint manipulation.