
Lots of people consider back pain to be a normal part of life, but there is nothing ‘normal’ about any type of pain. Aches and pains are your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong and it’s so important to listen to your body. Unfortunately, this isn’t the only misconception about back pain and it’s fair to say that this is one of the most overlooked types of pain.

Here at ChiroCulture, many of our chiropractic care patients experience problems with their backs and even if they’ve come to visit us because they’re suffering from aches and pains in other parts of their body, back pain could be the root cause. We want to set the record straight about back pain and help more people live pain-free lives, so below we have listed some of the most common misconceptions we hear about back pain.

Back pain is always caused by an injury

Most people assume that chronic low back pain is solely caused by an injury and when their back starts aching, they wonder what they’ve done to cause it. However, this pain often develops over time and it can be caused by anything from disc degeneration and inherited conditions to poor posture and awkward sleeping positions. Whilst there are lots of different types of pain and pain can sometimes be caused by injury, more commonly pain is due to everyday activities causing strain on the muscles and joints.

Exercise makes back pain worse

Lots of people think that bed rest is crucial when they’re suffering from pain and the more activity they do, the worse the pain will be. Yet, this isn’t actually the case and sitting or laying in the same position for prolonged periods can make pain worse. It’s often recommended that you participate in light exercise when you’re experiencing aches and pains, and simply going for a walk can help to ease the pain. Exercise can also help to strengthen your muscles which can prevent pain from reoccurring.

Medication and surgery are the only ways to treat back pain

Unlike other aches and pains, medication and surgery aren’t the only treatment options for back pain. In fact, whilst painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication can be taken for chronic pain relief, surgery is very uncommon for back pain. Professional medical advice suggests chiropractic care and massage therapy when you’re experiencing pain, and these chiropractic care treatments can be incredibly effective. A chiropractic treatment plan can even help to optimise your health and wellbeing, and help you reach fitness goals.

A firm mattress can prevent back pain

When suffering from pain, it isn’t uncommon for people to replace their mattress with something that’s much firmer. Replacing your mattress can help to prevent problems with your back, however, a firm mattress isn’t always the best option. There isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution when it comes to mattresses and you need to take into consideration your sleeping habits when you purchase a new mattress. If you’re going to replace your mattress, get some advice from an expert about what type of support you need.

Back pain isn’t that painful

This is an incredibly common misconception, often amongst people who haven’t experienced acute low back pain before. The truth is that although some pain is acute and will improve in a couple of weeks, back pain and neck pain can also be debilitating. When experiencing chronic back pain, it can have a huge effect on your life and it can take months to get better. Pain can range from mild to severe and it can affect people in different ways too. For example, two people with similar lower back problems can experience different levels of pain.

Visiting a chiropractor for back pain

If you’re suffering from pain, this is something we can assist you with at ChiroCulture. We believe that looking after your body and mind is the kindest thing you can do for yourself, and we can provide you with chiropractic care and sports massage therapy with spinal manipulation at our clinic in Chertsey. With many years of chiropractic adjustment experience, we can assure you that you will be in the very best hands when you turn to us for assistance with your aches and pains.

When you visit a chiropractor for pain and chiropractic adjustment, there are three phases of care; relieve pain care, corrective/rehabilitation care, spinal manipulation and wellness care. In addition to providing chiropractic treatment and other treatments that helps to reduce your pain, we will also focus on restoring optimal function and preventing relapse. If you would like to find out more about how we can assist you with the aches and pains you’re experiencing, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today about our chiropractic management.